Ariana News Agency: Ramiz al-Kabarov, the deputy political representative and coordinator of the United Nations humanitarian aid in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said in an interview with reporters that the patience of the Afghan people has run out regarding the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
Thursday, 1 September , 2022Ariana News Agency: Frank McKenzie said: “One of the reasons for America’s failure in Afghanistan was the implementation of the Western model for governance, without considering the existing realities of Afghanistan.”
Wednesday, 31 August , 2022Ariana News Agency: Ashraf Ghani, the former president of Afghanistan, said: “America provided the ground for corruption and the downfall of the republic by selling weapons to Afghan warlords and signing an agreement with the Taliban in Doha.”
Monday, 29 August , 2022Ariana News Agency: Abdul Qahar Balkhi, the spokesman of the Taliban’s foreign ministry, appreciated the humanitarian aid of the world’s countries and asked the international community to help Afghanistan achieve a dynamic economy.
Sunday, 28 August , 2022Ariana News Agency: Amnesty International has announced that Afghanistan is on the brink of irreversible destruction after a year of Taliban rule.
Saturday, 27 August , 2022Ariana News Agency: The World Food Organization says that it provided humanitarian aid to 21 million people in Afghanistan this year.
Friday, 26 August , 2022Ariana News Agency: In a report, the Washington Post discussed the activities of the Khorasan branch of the ISIS group in Afghanistan.
Thursday, 25 August , 2022Hamid Karzai considered the 20-year presence of American troops in his country to the detriment of the Afghan people.
Tuesday, 23 August , 2022Abdul Rashid Dostum, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, says that the Taliban did not defeat them, but that NATO betrayed Afghanistan. On the first anniversary of the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, General Dostum says that Ashraf Ghani and NATO did not give him the authority to fight and did not […]
Friday, 19 August , 2022General David Petraeus, the former commander of US forces in Afghanistan, wrote in an article for the Atlantic:
Wednesday, 17 August , 2022Hamed Karzai, the former president of Afghanistan, says that the ban on girls’ education in Afghanistan is not at the will of the Afghan people and according to the rules of Islamic Sharia.
Monday, 15 August , 2022In a meeting at the European Parliament, Want Brent, the EU ambassador to Afghanistan, asked the international community to continue their humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan.
Thursday, 4 August , 2022Reina Amiri, the US special envoy for women and human rights in Afghanistan, says there will be no normalization of relations with the group until the Taliban fulfill its commitments to the Afghan people.
Saturday, 9 July , 2022Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban-led government, said the United States was blocking the group from being recognized.
Monday, 4 July , 2022Russia’s special envoy for Afghanistan has said there is a possibility of recognizing the Taliban interim government.
Saturday, 2 July , 2022SIGAR, or the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, has released a new report examining allegations that former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani transferred money abroad.
Thursday, 23 June , 2022Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid reacted to an Indian official insulting the Prophet of Islam (PBUH).
Monday, 20 June , 2022Acting Defense Minister Mohammad Yaqub Mujahid said in a news conference that the Taliban were ready to start economic and political relations with the United States and that the “20-year war” should become a new mentality between the two sides.
Saturday, 18 June , 2022Hamdullah Moheb, Ashraf Ghani’s national security adviser, apologized for the first time for his role in the fall of the previous government.
Wednesday, 1 June , 2022Former Afghan National Security Chief Rahmatullah Nabil is reportedly forming an anti-Taliban front.
Monday, 23 May , 2022