Afghanistan, Politics, Security October 31, 2021

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Barnett Rubin: The United States had made the Afghan army dependent on itself

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Ariana News Agency: Criticizing the US government for not trying to build a self-sufficient army in Afghanistan, the Afghanistan expert said the US had built the Afghan army to collapse.

Barnett Rubin, an expert of Afghanistan affairs and director of the International Cooperation center at New York University, said the United States had created an Afghan army that would fall after the departure of US advisers.

Not expecting the fall of Ashraf Ghani’s government after the withdrawal of US troops in such a short period of time, Rubin added that Najibullah’s government lasted three years after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan because of their financial and military support. He continued; The United States also continued to provide financial support and funding to the Afghan army, so I expected the government to last longer.

Referring to widespread corruption in the Afghan government, he said: “Despite rhetoric about preparing the Afghan army for self-reliance, the US military has not created an Afghan army that can stand on its own two feet.

“The United States built the Afghan army on its own model, which required advanced technology and other things that needed the presence of American advisers and contract troops,” said the Afghanistan expert. In fact, the Afghan army is somehow planned to collapse after the inevitable withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan.

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