Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: June 1, 2024

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Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Banning women from work and education is contrary to the goals of Sharia and the consensus of the nation

زن 1 550x295 - Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Banning women from work and education is contrary to the goals of Sharia and the consensus of the nation

The executive committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation announced the emergency meeting of the executive committee of this organization.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation said that this meeting was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to review the latest developments in Afghanistan.

This organization announced that the Taliban’s suspension of women’s education and work in Afghanistan, as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Academy of Islamic Jurisprudence have previously expressed, is contrary to the goals of Sharia and the consensus of the nation.

It should be mentioned that the Taliban have not paid attention to any of the requests of the international community, especially the reliable Islamic sources, regarding their decision of banning women from education and work.

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