World May 13, 2023

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Haniyeh: Assassination of our leaders does not bring security to the occupying regime

Ismail Haniyeh 550x295 - Haniyeh: Assassination of our leaders does not bring security to the occupying regime

The head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, stressed during his response to the crime committed by the Zionist regime: “The assassination of our leaders by a treacherous operation will not bring security to the occupation regime.”

Stating that resistance alone determines the painful response to the treacherous enemy, the head of Hamas political office added: Assassination of our leaders will bring more resistance. The enemy made a mistake in his estimates and will pay for his crime.

Before him, Hazem Qassem, the spokesman of the Hamas movement, emphasised that the occupation’s recent crime was against the entire Palestinian nation, placed full responsibility for this heinous crime and its dangerous consequences on the Zionist regime and warned about its heavy price.

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