Afghanistan, Economic, Politics, Security February 5, 2019

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What Goals Lies behind the Moscow Peace Talks?

طالبان روسیه 550x295 - What Goals Lies behind the Moscow Peace Talks?

Taliban announced of holding meeting with Afghanistan political parties in Moscow.

Ariana News Agency-


The spokesman for Taliban political office in Qatar Suhail Shaheen said to the  Deutsche Welle that the Russian government is due to hold a two-days meeting between Taliban and Afghanistan political parties on February 5 in Moscow.

The Taliban group has accepted the invitation and the talks between two sides will began on Tuesday.

As reported, Mohammad Mohaghegh the leader of People’s Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan, Ismail Khan and Atta Muhammad Nur the chief executive members of People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan are also invited to the Moscow meeting.

The Russian government has not invited the Afghanistan’s official authorities to the meeting while the officials believe that this meeting won’t help the peace talks process in Afghanistan.

Mr. Salahuddin Rabbani, our Ministry if foreign affairs also opposed with the meeting and considered it ‘unconstructive’.

Other experts also considered this Russian plan in line with granting privileges to Taliban and obstructing  the US-Taliban peace talks process.

One of the Wolesi Jirga member Nazir Ahmad Hanafi also anticipated that the meeting will not yield any pleasant results but he asked the government and the political parties to reach an agreement on the Afghanistan peace, otherwise there would be serious consequences for interior affairs in Afghanistan.


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