Afghanistan, Politics, Security updated: July 23, 2024

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Violation of Afghan airspace in Badakhshan

طیاره بی پیلوت 550x295 - Violation of Afghan airspace in Badakhshan

Local sources in Badakhshan, Afghanistan, have reported the presence of an unmanned aircraft patrolling the province’s airspace.

The origin of the drone remains unclear, as authorities have yet to determine which country it has flown in from.

Officials representing the Taliban in Badakhshan have yet to issue any statements regarding the aerial activity.

This incident is part of a recent uptick in unidentified drone patrols across Afghanistan. In the past two weeks alone, the skies over the provinces of Panjshir, Nimroz, and Kandahar have also witnessed similar drone activities.

In response to the increased drone surveillance, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid has accused the United States of infringing upon Afghanistan’s national airspace.

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