Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: June 1, 2024

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The embassies of Afghanistan demanded special attention from the UN to the immigrants imprisoned in Pakistan

زندان پاکستان 550x295 - The embassies of Afghanistan demanded special attention from the UN to the immigrants imprisoned in Pakistan

The embassies and permanent representation of Afghanistan in the United Nations have expressed their concern about the imprisonment of Afghan children in Pakistan.

This statement considered asylum as a human right and said that based on the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, member states cannot punish immigrants who enter another country illegally because their lives are in danger.

“According to the instructions of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, regardless of the legal immigration of their parents, children should not be detained for immigration purposes. Such detentions are a clear violation of the rights of children.”The embassies and permanent representation of Afghanistan to the United Nations said.

It should be noted that the Pakistani government has imprisoned hundreds of Afghan migrants, including women and children, despite international concerns.

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