Afghanistan, Security, Social updated: July 23, 2024

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Taliban’s Ministry of Interior Issues Ultimatum to Owners of Undocumented Vehicles

تکسی 550x295 - Taliban's Ministry of Interior Issues Ultimatum to Owners of Undocumented Vehicles

The Ministry of Interior of the Taliban regime has issued a directive for all vehicle owners lacking official registration documents to complete their vehicle registration and obtain the necessary customs and tax documentation by July of this year.

The announcement, aimed at addressing the rampant issue of undocumented vehicles, was made by a spokesperson from the Ministry.

Abdulmatin Qane highlighted the correlation between the surge in traffic accidents across the country and the prevalence of these unregistered vehicles.

The ministry’s decision comes in response to a noticeable increase in traffic incidents in various Afghan provinces, including a significant number of undocumented vehicles operating within Kabul’s city limits.

The situation has raised considerable concern among citizens, prompting calls for the authorities to tackle the issue of illegal vehicle operation decisively.

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