Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: August 12, 2023

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Taliban warning about the imminent attack of ISIS

Isis Afghanistan 550x295 - Taliban warning about the imminent attack of ISIS

ISIS terrorist group is planning to attack officials and commanders who are returning from the Hajj ceremony; the Ministry of Interior of the Taliban has warned its police commanders.

In this written warning, it is stated that ISIS plans to attack Taliban officials with suicide attacks and bomb explosions, and these possible attacks must be prevented.

In this warning statement, it is mentioned: Based on detailed information, ISIS plans to attack Taliban officials, governors, chiefs, and administrative and military officials who are returning from the obligatory Hajj in several provinces.

This warning also states that ISIS will carry out its attacks using crowds during Eid ceremonies.

Despite the claim of some Taliban officials that ISIS has been completely destroyed in Afghanistan, this group is still operating sporadically in Afghanistan.

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