Afghanistan, Politics, Security updated: June 5, 2024

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Taliban Spokesperson Accuses U.S. of Hindering Afghanistan’s Progress by Violating Doha Agreement

ذبیح الله مجاهد 550x295 - Taliban Spokesperson Accuses U.S. of Hindering Afghanistan's Progress by Violating Doha Agreement

Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid has accused the United States of impeding the progress and recognition of Afghanistan’s caretaker government by allegedly violating the Doha Agreement.

Mujahid says that the U.S.’s actions, which include maintaining Taliban officials on sanctions lists and freezing Afghan assets, have directly obstructed the country’s advancement.

He further asserted that the presence of Taliban leaders on U.S. blacklists and sanctions, along with the blocking of Afghanistan’s assets, are clear indications of America’s breaches of the agreement.

Mujahid also highlighted concerns over human rights abuses in Afghanistan, calling on international figures, including Richard Bennett, and Western countries to cease their infringement of human rights and to take a stand against Israel’s acts of cruelty and terror.

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