Afghanistan, Economic, Politics, Security updated: July 23, 2024

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Taliban Spokesman Denies Rumors of Hekmatyar’s Dismissal

حکمتیار 550x295 - Taliban Spokesman Denies Rumors of Hekmatyar's Dismissal

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has refuted circulating rumors regarding the expulsion of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of Hizb-e-Islami, from his residence in Kabul.

Clarifying the situation, Mujahid explained that the decision for Hekmatyar to relocate was due to the “disputed” nature of his current residence and the aim to ensure he lives in a more suitable location.

Mujahid emphasized that reports suggesting Hekmatyar’s expulsion are inaccurate. He recognized Hekmatyar as a respected Afghan jihadist, asserting that no actions have been taken against him that would compromise his honor, respect, or dignity.

This statement comes in the wake of unverified reports about the Taliban forces surrounding Hekmatyar’s former residence, sparking widespread speculation.


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