Accidents, Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: July 23, 2024

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Taliban condemns the assassination of the sons of the head of the political bureau of Hamas

متقی 550x295 - Taliban condemns the assassination of the sons of the head of the political bureau of Hamas

The Taliban’s Acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Motaghi, extended his condolences to Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s political office, following the martyrdom of his children and grandchildren.

The condolences were expressed during a phone call between the two leaders.

In his statement, Motaghi hoped for the success of the Palestinian cause and the “liberation of their land.” He reflected on Afghanistan’s own struggles for independence, drawing a parallel to the Palestinian effort.

Additionally, Motaghi wished perseverance and success for the Palestinian people in their ongoing struggles.

In response, Haniyeh appreciated the Taliban foreign minister’s sentiments and honored the memory of those lost in the incident. He also acknowledged the sacrifices made by the Afghan people in their pursuit of freedom, expressing hope for positive outcomes from their shared struggles.

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