Accidents, Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: June 5, 2024

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Taliban Condemns Israel’s New Settlement Plans in the West Bank

وزارت خارجه طالبان 550x295 - Taliban Condemns Israel's New Settlement Plans in the West Bank

The Taliban has voiced its opposition to Israel’s recent decision to establish a new settlement in the Palestinian territories.

In a statement issued by its Foreign Ministry, the Taliban criticized Israel’s plan to construct 3,500 new housing units in the West Bank, describing the move as a clear violation of Palestinian rights. The ministry labeled the decision as an egregious form of aggression towards the occupation of Palestinian lands, calling for immediate action to halt these developments.

The statement further recognized the land in question as rightfully belonging to the Palestinian people. It condemned the actions and ongoing violence in Gaza by Israeli forces as a catalyst for irreversible damage and instability in the region. The Taliban’s Foreign Ministry has thus demanded a cessation of cruel actions and an end to the occupation.

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