Accidents, Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: July 23, 2024

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Taliban Asserts Control Over ISIS, Dismisses Threats to Diplomatic Missions

Isis Afghanistan 550x295 - Taliban Asserts Control Over ISIS, Dismisses Threats to Diplomatic Missions

In a statement addressing concerns over security threats to diplomatic missions in Afghanistan, Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban, dismissed claims reported by the New York Times regarding ISIS’s purported plans to attack the embassies of China, India, and Iran.

Mujahid assured that the Islamic State (ISIS) is under the stringent control of Taliban forces, thereby negating the group’s capability to target diplomatic entities within the country.

Mujahid criticized the propagation of such concerns by foreign nations as an attempt to undermine diplomatic engagements in Afghanistan, asserting the Taliban’s commitment to maintaining security for all diplomatic missions.

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