Afghanistan, Economic, Politics, Social updated: June 5, 2024

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Rising Interest in Afghan Tourism Despite Warnings

AFGHANISTAN   0621   Manifestazione 1 550x295 - Rising Interest in Afghan Tourism Despite Warnings

Two UK-based travel agencies have reported a surge in interest for tours to Afghanistan.

Jovan Tours, a prominent travel agency, has released data showing that while only three tours were organized to Afghanistan in 2023, the figure has already doubled in the early months of this year.

The head of another travel agency remarked on the unique opportunities presented by the current situation, noting that areas previously inaccessible to tourists are now open for exploration under Taliban control. This shift, he suggests, has been accompanied by an overall improvement in the country’s security landscape.

These developments come amidst recent advisories from the British Foreign Office, cautioning UK nationals against travel to Afghanistan due to ongoing safety concerns.

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