Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: June 5, 2024

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Pakistan Urges UN Security Council to Disrupt Ties Between Afghan Taliban and TTP

طالبان پاکستان 550x295 - Pakistan Urges UN Security Council to Disrupt Ties Between Afghan Taliban and TTP

During a recent Security Council meeting focused on Afghanistan, Munira Akram, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, called on the council to address and sever the connections between the Afghan Taliban and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Akram also advocated for a comprehensive UN investigation into the origins of the TTP’s advanced military arsenal and financial sustenance, which supports an estimated 50,000 fighters engaged in terrorist activities.

Highlighting the critical importance of counterterrorism efforts, Akram stressed that combating terrorism should be a central element of any forthcoming strategies for engagement with the Taliban. This move underscores Pakistan’s ongoing concerns over security and stability in the region, particularly in relation to the activities of the TTP.

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