Accidents, Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: July 23, 2024

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Pakistan Deports 277 Afghan Refugees in Forced Removal Operation

زندان پاکستان2 550x295 - Pakistan Deports 277 Afghan Refugees in Forced Removal Operation

In a recent escalation of the forced deportation of Afghan refugees, the Pakistani government has deported 277 individuals back to Afghanistan.

This move marks the commencement of the second phase of deportations.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Refugee Affairs confirmed that these deportations are part of an ongoing process targeting Afghan refugees with residency documents in Pakistan.

According to the ministry’s statement published on X, the deported individuals crossed into Afghanistan via the Torkham border point on April 28.

The report further noted that the group consists of 53 families who were forcibly removed from Pakistan as part of this initiative.

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