Afghanistan, Economic, Politics, Social updated: June 5, 2024

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OCHA: The West must stop its double standards towards Afghanistan

زنان افغانستان 550x295 - OCHA: The West must stop its double standards towards Afghanistan

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has highlighted a significant funding gap for its humanitarian projects in Afghanistan, revealing that only $87 million of the required $3 billion has been secured this year.

This shortfall jeopardizes the continuity of numerous programs essential for the country’s welfare.

OCHA criticized the apparent discrepancy in aid allocation by Western nations, contrasting the substantial financial support directed towards Ukraine with the insufficient aid for Afghanistan. This disparity, according to OCHA, underscores a dual approach towards human rights and international aid by these countries.

Furthermore, OCHA indicated that the limited attention and funding for Afghanistan not only hinder its humanitarian efforts but also reflect the inconsistent policies of Western nations regarding human rights commitments.

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