Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: June 5, 2024

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Mujahid: Security is stable on the borders of Afghanistan

طالبان افغانستان 550x295 - Mujahid: Security is stable on the borders of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s spokesman, has assured that Afghanistan maintains secure borders with all its neighboring countries, particularly Tajikistan.

This statement came in response to Tajikistan’s proposal to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) aimed at bolstering border security.

Mujahid emphasized that Afghanistan poses no threat to its neighbors and firmly stated that Afghanistan would not permit any individual or group to utilize its territory for hostile actions against any nation.

Mujahid refuted Tajikistan’s claims regarding security concerns at the border with Afghanistan, asserting that such allegations are unfounded. He expressed the Taliban’s commitment to improving relations and building trust with all countries, including Tajikistan, to ensure regional stability.

The Tajik Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the submission of a draft to the CSTO, highlighting efforts to enhance the security framework at the Tajik-Afghan border.

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