Afghanistan, Politics, Security updated: June 5, 2024

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Mujahid Highlights Disagreement Among U.S. Officials on Taliban Engagement

Taliban 550x295 - Mujahid Highlights Disagreement Among U.S. Officials on Taliban Engagement

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Taliban, has responded to comments made by the chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Relations Committee and the U.S. embassy’s chargé d’affaires in Afghanistan regarding their interactions with the Taliban.

Mujahid suggests that these remarks reflect a discrepancy in the opinions of American officials concerning Afghanistan.

He elaborated, noting that following America’s ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan, there appears to be a concerted effort by some U.S. officials to harbor and express animosity towards Afghanistan and its people. However, Mujahid criticized this approach, deeming it counterproductive.

In a previous statement addressing a UN report on Afghanistan’s situation, the Taliban’s spokesperson criticized the document as prejudiced and designed to exert pressure on the government in Kabul.

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