Afghanistan, Politics, Security June 8, 2020

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Khalilzad in Pakistan to Begin New Rounds of Trips for Discussing Peace in Afghnaistan

photo 2020 06 08 07 24 58 2 550x295 - Khalilzad in Pakistan to Begin New Rounds of Trips for Discussing Peace in Afghnaistan

 Zalmay Khalilzad met Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa to discuss the peace process in Afghanistan.

Ariana News Agency- 

Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said that Mullah Baradar met with Zalmay Khalilzad and RSM commander General Scott Miller in Doha on Sunday.

“Both sides talked about speedy release of the prisoners and commencement of intra-Afghan negotiations,” he twitted.
According to him, Dr. Mutlaq Al-Qahtani, Special Envoy of the Foreign Minister of the State of Qatar and his delegation also participated in the meeting.

In Islamabad, Mr Khalilzad met with General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan’s chief of army staff.
It said that during the meeting “matters of mutual interest” came under discussion as well as the overall regional security situation.
Both sides also discussed Afghan refugee issue, peace process, and Afghan-Pak border management.

Khalilzad is expected to arrive in Kabul to share the latest developments on peace process.

Mohammad Alam Izedyar, the first deputy of Jirga yesterday in the public meeting called this rounds of tips as ‘vicious circle’ as the releasing the Taliban prisoners exacerbated the violence in the country.

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