Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: June 1, 2024

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Karzai’s concern about the conditions of Afghan refugees in Pakistani prisons

حامد کرزی 550x295 - Karzai's concern about the conditions of Afghan refugees in Pakistani prisons

Hamid Karzai, the former president of Afghanistan, stated that the situation of Afghan refugees, especially women and children, in Pakistani prisons is painful.

“The United Nations and human rights institutions should take effective steps to protect the rights and freedom of Afghan refugees from Pakistani prisons,” Karzai added.

Karzai emphasized that the government of Pakistan, as a good and civilized neighbor, should treat Afghan refugees based on international principles of human rights.

The United Nations Refugee Agency has previously said that it is extremely concerned to see reports and pictures of Afghan refugees in Pakistani prisons, especially in the city of Karachi.

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