Accidents, Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: July 23, 2024

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Afghanistan Ranks Among World’s Most Mine-Contaminated Countries

ماین 550x295 - Afghanistan Ranks Among World's Most Mine-Contaminated Countries

Following the tragic deaths of 10 children in Herat and Ghazni due to wartime mine explosions, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has declared Afghanistan as one of the top countries globally for weapon contamination.

In a statement released on their X page, UNICEF highlighted the disproportionate impact of such contamination on children, emphasizing their inherent right to a safe and secure environment.

The agency further stressed the urgent need for collaborative efforts in mine clearance, education on mine risk, and support for the victims.

Decades of conflict have left Afghanistan littered with mines and unexploded ordnance, continuing to pose a lethal threat to its citizens, particularly children.

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