Afghanistan, Politics, Security updated: May 31, 2024

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Afghanistan became the most food-insecure country

فقر 550x295 - Afghanistan became the most food-insecure country

The Observer Research Foundation, which is based in India, announced that the result of its latest research shows that Afghanistan ranks first among 136 countries due to the lack of food and nutritional security in South Asia.

According to this research, India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka are after Afghanistan as countries that face a high risk of food insecurity.

Although the study of this research foundation shows that the death rate of children under the age of five is lower in Afghanistan compared to other countries in the region, only in 2022, 1.1 million children in this country will suffer from malnutrition.

The Observer stated the reasons for this situation as war, drought, natural disasters, political and economic situation, and the impact of the Ukraine war on Afghanistan.

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