Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: February 2, 2019

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Afghan Media: Ghani in Deep Disagreement with US in the Peace Talks

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Afghan media experts considered President Ghani’s yesterday video message as a deep disagreement exists between the leadership of the national government and the US envoy in the peace talks. Ariana News Agency-

As reported by Voice of America, President Ashraf Ghani yesterday addressed its people through a video message and expressed his views on the peace talks process between US and Taliban. But the speeches considered by the media experts as a the existence of serious disagreement  between Ghani and US envoy Khalizad.

Ghani’s Contemplative Address


President Ghani said in his address that the peace talks should be under Afghan’s control and asked again from Taliban to sit around the negotiation table with US.

He also asked the thoughtful peace with Taliban emphasizing on  the experience of Doctor Najib, the way he was deceived. He was assured to reach peach bur unfortunately ended with disaster.

Taliban does not Recognize Afghanistan as a Government


The 8AM Newspapers reported that US does well know that Taliban does not recognize the Afghanistan as a independent government. Washington does not consider the dialogue between afghans as a discussion between Taliban and the government. Taliban groups proved- even in Moscow meeting- that they are willing to make discussion with different groups and political parties in Afghanistan.

President Ghani’s address showed that he tends to have meeting with Taliban as a political group, but Taliban would never yield to such tendency. While it seems US likely have accepted that, a  temporary government, which Khalilzad and Taliban agreed upon that.

President Ashraf Ghani also said on the day registering for next presidential election that he will not accept the idea of temporary government not in a million years.

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