Afghanistan, Politics, Security, Social updated: July 23, 2024

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40 Foreign Nationals Detained in Afghanistan

زندان 550x295 - 40 Foreign Nationals Detained in Afghanistan

In a recent announcement by Habibullah Badr, the Deputy Director of the Taliban’s Prisons Affairs Department, it has been revealed that approximately 40 foreign nationals are currently detained in Afghan prisons.

Badr refrained from providing specific details regarding the nationalities of these individuals but indicated that they hail from various countries and have been apprehended for a range of criminal activities, including murder. He noted that a significant portion of these foreign detainees originates from neighboring countries.

Furthermore, Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Taliban, previously confirmed the detention of two American citizens in Afghanistan, citing violations of the country’s laws as the reason for their imprisonment.

The Taliban’s prison authorities reported last year that the total prison population in Afghanistan exceeds 19,000 individuals.

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