Featured August 24, 2019
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Keep in mind that some of these function key shortcuts are different depending on the type of computer you have. You’re also able to change these features, and some computers come with pre-set functions for these keys that you have to change manually.
So before slamming the keyboard in frustration trying to get them to work, go into your settings and see how your computer has been set up. Pressing the fn button with the F keys will typically enable them to work. (Here’s why the letters on a computer keyboard aren’t in alphabetical order.)
Here’s the answer to the mystery of those function keys. You’ll be surprised by how much they can do. And while you’re at it, find out how often you need to back up your computer!
Opens help menu when pressed with Windows button
Hides/displays ribbon menu in Excel and Word when hit with Control button
Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens Document Library in Microsoft Office
Allows you to edit the selected folder or file name in Windows Explorer
Opens search feature in Windows Explorer
Shift + F3 lets you change from lowercase to uppercase to all caps in Word
Opens find feature in Firefox and Chrome
Alt + F4 closes window
Places the cursor in the address bar in Explorer
Starts slideshow in PowerPoint
Refreshes Internet browser pages
Opens Find and Replace in Microsoft Office
Goes to the next page in a split screen in Microsoft Word
Ctrl + F6 lets you easily switch between Word documents
Alt + F7 does a spelling and grammar check in Microsoft Word
Shift + F7 open Thesaurus in Microsoft Word
In Excel, enables extend mode for arrow keys
Enables safe mode in Windows
Ctrl + F9 inserts empty fields into Word
Updates fields in Word
Opens menu bar
Ctrl + F10 maximizes window in Word
Shift + F10 does the same thing as a right click
Exits and enter full screen mode in browsers
Shift + F11 adds a new spreadsheet in Excel
Opens Save As in Word
Shift + F12 saves Word document
Ctrl + F12 opens Word document